FR Clothing Manufacturers: The List You Need

Flame resistant clothing is an essential piece of protective gear that is frequently required for individuals who work in potentially dangerous environments. It is built to withstand sudden and unexpected explosions, chemical splashes, and other dangerous conditions that have the potential to cause severe injury or even death. 

It can be difficult to find clothing that is suitable for both the individual and the work environment, but fortunately, there are a number of reputable manufacturers who specialize in the production of flame resistant clothing. 

In this article, we will investigate the most reputable manufacturers of flame resistant clothing and discuss where you can purchase their clothing.

Top Manufacturers Of Flame Resistant Clothing


Bulwark is the industry leader when it comes to producing protective gear and clothing that is flame resistant. They have been a part of the industry for more than 30 years, and they are well-known for their dedication to providing products that are high in quality, long-lasting, and comfortable. Their products are designed to comply with the most stringent safety standards and have been put through rigorous testing in the most difficult environments. 

There is a wide selection of flame resistant clothing available from Bulwark. This selection includes jackets, coveralls, and pants made from a variety of flammable resistant materials such as Nomex, Protera, and Proban Their wares can be purchased from a wide selection of retailers, including offline and online shops specializing in workwear and uniforms.


Tyndale is yet another well-known brand that produces clothing that is flame resistant. They are experts in the production of clothing that is not only lightweight and comfortable, but also adheres to the strictest possible safety standards. Even in the most hazardous environments, their products are made to keep workers protected. 

Coveralls, jackets, and pants made from a variety of flame resistant materials such as Nomex, Protera, and Proban are some of the options available from the Tyndale line of flame resistant clothing. In addition, they have a selection of protective accessories such as hats, gloves, and boots available for purchase. Their products are sold in brick-and-mortar as well as online shops and boutiques.

National Safety Clothing (NSC)

National Safety Apparel is the industry leader when it comes to producing protective gear and flame resistant clothing. They have been a part of the industry for more than 40 years, and they are well-known for their dedication to providing products that are high in quality, long-lasting, and comfortable. Their products are designed to comply with the most stringent safety standards and have been put through rigorous testing in the most difficult environments. 

There is a wide selection of flame resistant clothing available from National Safety Apparel. These garments include jackets, coveralls, and pants made from a variety of flammable materials such as Nomex, Protera, and Proban. In addition, they have a selection of protective accessories such as hats, gloves, and boots available for purchase. Their wares can be purchased from a wide selection of retailers, including offline and online shops specializing in workwear and uniforms.


OccuNomix is yet another well-known manufacturer of clothing that is flame resistant. They are experts in the production of clothing that is not only lightweight and comfortable, but also adheres to the strictest possible safety standards. Even in the most hazardous environments, their products are made to keep workers protected and in a comfortable state of mind. Coveralls, jackets, and pants made from a variety of flame resistant materials such as Nomex, Protera, and Proban are some of the options available from OccuNomix in their assortment of flame resistant clothing. 

Rasco FR

Rasco FR is an industry leader when it comes to the production of protective gear and clothing that is flame resistant. They have been a part of the industry for more than 20 years, and they are well-known for their dedication to providing products that are high in quality, long-lasting, and comfortable. 

Rasco FR provides customers with access to a comprehensive selection of flame-resistant clothing, which includes jackets, coveralls, and pants made from a variety of flammable-resistant materials, including Nomex, Protera, and Proban. In addition, they have a selection of protective accessories such as hats, gloves, and boots available for purchase. Their wares can be purchased from a wide selection of retailers, including offline and online shops specializing in workwear and uniforms.


A number of reputable manufacturers have established themselves as experts in the production of flame resistant clothing. You can purchase these items from a wide selection of stores, including those that are exclusively online. When shopping for clothing that is flame resistant, it is critical to verify that the item satisfies all applicable safety standards, that it is comfortable to wear, and that it is long-lasting. Workers can ensure that they are adequately protected in hazardous environments if they take the time to conduct appropriate research and locate the appropriate product for the job.

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